4 Ways to Find Joy in the Mundane

I am a stay-at-home mom, so there are obviously a lot of mundane moments in my daily life. Cooking meals, doing dishes, doing laundry, and so on means there are a lot of mundane moments. Being a mom means that it can be a struggle to feel like that nothing is ever really done in life.  This can make life feel very mundane at times.

There have been times in my life that I felt like what I do wasn’t worth anything.

I used to feel embarrassed to admit that I was a stay-at-home mom.

I’d feel like I wasn’t valuable because of it.

I have since realized that what I do right now is exactly what I’m called to do and that is what matters most.

Our jobs are not who we are. We are children of the most High God. That is where our identity’s lie. If you are a follower of Christ, your identity is not in your job, it is in who God has created you to be. I truly believe that we are all called to be confident in what we are doing, no matter what people around us do.

4 Ways I find Joy in the Mundane

1. Praise, Praise, Praise

In the past, I would often say how I hated to wash the dishes. I probably said it almost every time I washed them. At some point, I realized that this wasn’t a great confession so I decided to change it. I started to say that I liked washing dishes. These days, I honestly don’t mind washing dishes. It’s a great time to think and pray.

I challenge you, choose to praise. One of the biggest blessings of washing dishes and doing laundry is that there is a lot of time to use in praise.

2. Remember Why You Do What You Do

I sincerely hope that you know why you do exactly what you do. Obviously, if you don’t do the laundry, there won’t be clothes to wear. Here’s the thing, if the mundane tasks that you do are for someone other than yourself, recognize that these are the people that God has entrusted to you, thus you are blessed to serve them. Yes, I get that laundry isn’t very exciting, but try to remember the why behind it.

3. Find a way to Make it Fun

While I do love to make things fun, I sometimes get so tunnel focused on the task that I forget to have fun. However, when I take the time to bust out a silly dance in the middle of cooking supper or make up a silly song while folding laundry, the atmosphere in the house changes and everyone gets a lot happier.

4.Remember that there are people who are all alone

Here’s the thing, there are people out there that are all alone and would love to have a family, but they don’t. We have a little graphic in our bathroom that I see as my little motto. It goes like this: “What I love most about my Home, is who I share it with.” So when I’m frustrated at picking up a mess, (again) I try to remind myself that if my home was perfectly clean, I would be all alone. Would I really want to be all alone? My answer would be no.

These are some of my favorite ways to finding joy in the mundane things of life. Tell me, what do you do to make life a little more joyful?

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